Team: Broadclyst
A Yo-Yo's H Maynards A Latecomers A Here for the Beer H Cee Dee's A Plymtree Punters H The Yetties A Alley Cats
Andy Taylor 78 62 52 62 67 71 85
Andy O'Brien 60 61 51 66 58 60 49
Brian Carter 54 58 62 53 50
David Sluggett 59 62 58 65 64 62
Graham Tancock 60 66 52 54 68 66 53
Nigel Willmington 66 69 54 63 54 63
Thomas Slugett 45 67 92 89
For 377 378 312 377 401 403 0 362
Against 370 372 354 382 367 356 0 340
Result W W L L W W W W