Team: Yo-Yo's
H Broadclyst A Here for the Beer H Cee Dee's A Plymtree Punters H The Yetties A Alley Cats A Maynards H Latecomers
Pete D 60
Jackie Mahoney 71 55 71 58 57
Jonathon Prideaux 55 46 50 50 50 41
David Myers 61 56 61 60 49 66
Sarah Johnson 58 67 59 57 48 56
Bob Scanlon 65 70 80 62 54
Viv Brown 58 54 66
Eddie Katz 69 60 54 62 60
Pete Ackland 78 72 50 71
Cliff O'Dell 77 63 60 59
Jeremy Frankpitt 23
Glenn Starkey 61 68
For 370 373 345 401 343 309 367 350
Against 377 382 391 393 377 338 336 446
Result L L L W L L W L